Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Hallowe'en!

This was taken probably five or six years ago... My sister made Ebi the cat a Hallowe'en cape with silver bats all over it (can't see it that well here), and we tried to make him sit in the window with the pumpkin, which he got tired of pretty quickly. He slept the rest of the evening.

Please be sure to keep your cats safe and indoors tonight, especially your black cats!!!

It's going to be a busy week-end for me - enjoy yours (^_^)


Joanna Taylor said...

He looks like he resents the whole thing. The resulting cuteness is worth it, though.

XUE said...

my son loves Ebi Burger! I don't suppose they have Ebi Burger at yr McDonald's...

picciolo said...

what a cute picture!
: )

Unknown said...

lol @ the cat. so cute.